Don't laugh, the challenge is a collection of jokes. This application was created based on such an Internet phenomenon as "Try not to laugh!" - an online competition in which you need to watch jokes and not laugh.
Watch 100+ different jokes and get into the table of the best players (according to the number of attempts in the challenge, attempts in the arkanoid are not taken into account)!
There are 2 modes available in the game:
1. A simple one where you can just watch memes.
2. A game in which before each meme you need to go through the game "arkanoid", where you need to break all the blocks.
This is an unusual application that throws two challenges at once, which will test your sense of humor and gaming skills!
How to play
There are two buttons for the game "Funny" and "Next".
Watch the joke and, if it's not funny, click "Next", if you smiled, then "Funny". (Just be honest and have fun!)
If you are playing in the "Game" mode, then the control is carried out by the arrows (A,D) on the PC or using the on-screen buttons on mobile devices.